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Book Review

I love reading books and not only about archaeology, hence the book review. I want to talk about the books I read and how they added to my life. Also, most of the time I truly recommend what I show here.

Cover of the book History Disrupted by Jason Steinhauer. Background photo by FWStudio / Pexels


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Book Review

Book Review: History Disrupted by J. Steinhauer


In his first book “History Disrupted”, J. Steinhauer discusses how the internet, social media, Wikipedia and other media formats have changed how we perceive History. He calls this e-history, basically the way we communicate history over social media. I have read the book and here is what I think.


Cover of the book Race by Denise McCoskey


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Book Review

Book Review: Race by D. McCoskey


This book was lurking in my shelf for quiet some time now as I never found time to read it. How unfortunate, as this book is one of the best reads I have had in the last years. In four chapters, Denise Eileen McCoskey describes the relationship of race…

A pile of books


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Book Review Personal

My Top 5 books of 2021


What a year! Besides finishing my PhD and starting this blog, I read a lot. This last years post is dedicated to the top 5 books I read this year. They are not necessarily from 2021, but I read them in 2021. I did some reviews of them this…

Cover of Daniel Coyle's book "The Culure Code"


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Book Review Personal Productivity

Book Review: The Culture Code by D. Coyle


In my quest to find good productivity books, I came across The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle. The author describes some of the most successful organisations and how these cultivate productive skills: Pixar, sport teams and even the Navy’s SEAL team being under investigation. Coyle identified three key skills…

Cover of "Receptions of the ANE" by L. Verderame & A. Garcia-Ventura. Background by Jon Moore on Unsplash


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Archaeology Book Review

Book Review: Receptions of the Ancient Near East by L. Verderame and A. Garcia-Ventura


Doing book reviews for volumes is hard, as I can’t go deep into every single article. So I won’t do that and talk about the general idea behind this volume instead. The volume is a collection of articles concerned with the reception of the Ancient Near East. In other…

Cover of Alison Mickel: Why those who shovel are silent


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Archaeology Book Review

Book Review: Why those who shovel are silent by A. Mickel


When I was on excavation in Syria, I was intrigued by the country and its people. To be honest, the first time, it was quiet a culture shock. The second time though was great and the third time too. I loved watching and talking to people from the local…

Cover of Dan Hicks book "The Brutish Museums"


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Archaeology Book Review

Book Review: The Brutish Museums by D. Hicks


The book Brutish Museums by Dan Hicks is a book about the sacking and looting of Benin city in 1897. It is about the violent display of the looted goods in museums around the world today. Although this book exclusively talks about the looting and illegal art trade of…

Cover of Mark Mansons book "The Subtle Art of not Giving a Fuck"


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Book Review Productivity

Book Review: The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck by M. Manson


I consider myself as someone, that is pretty stoic. I rarely get upset by things and “keep my cool” most of the time. To outsiders, who don’t know me well, this most often seems as if I would not care. But these are two different things: accepting things as…

Photo of the book Give and Take from Adam Grant. Background Photo by FWStudio from Pexels


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Book Review Productivity

Book Review: Give and Take by A. Grant


I always felt a bit naive when telling people, that doing the right thing and being generous will lead to the best results in the long run. Especially while being a freelancer, that seemed extra stupid, as you always have to take care of yourself. In a society where…

Cover of Cal Newports book "Deep Work"


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Book Review Productivity

Book review: Deep Work by Cal Newport


If you are like me, you probably wish for more time. More time to relax, more time to spend with family and also more time for your own projects. Today however, our world is dominated by social media, email communications, but also a culture of instant availability. This leaves…

Sebastian Hageneuer

Hi! My name is Sebastian. I am an archaeologist, a university lecturer, freelancer, guitarist, and father. You could say I am quiet busy, so I learned to manage my time and energy to build good habits and still have space for myself and my family. Sounds difficult? Read here how I do it. (Nearly) Every Friday.

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