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Book Review

I love reading books and not only about archaeology, hence the book review. I want to talk about the books I read and how they added to my life. Also, most of the time I truly recommend what I show here.

A pile of five books on the table. Photo by on Unsplash


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Book Review

My top 5 books of 2023


What a year full of books! As I did the previous years, I wanted to dedicate the last post of the year to the top 5 books of 2023. They are not necessarily from 2023, but I read them in 2023. I did some reviews of them this year, but not…

Cover of the book "Staub Steine Scherben" by Jens Notroff. Background by Joshua Bartell on Unsplash


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Archaeology Book Review

Book Review: Staub Steine Scherben by J. Notroff


So this week I read a book about archaeology titled “Staub Steine Scherben” from a colleague working at the German Archaeological Institute. It is a book about what Archaeology is, what it means and how it can help us. I generally like books like these as they offer a…

Photo of the book by Jason Hickel "The Divide". Background image by Aditya Joshi on Unsplash


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Book Review

Book Review: The Divide by J. Hickel


As a reader, it can be challenging to find a book that truly challenges your perspectives and makes you question your beliefs. However, “The Divide” by Jason Hickel is a book that does just that. In this book, Hickel explores the vast inequalities that exist in our world. It…

Cover of the book "The mystery of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon" by Stephanie Dalley. Background photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash.


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Book Review

Book Review: “The mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon” by S. Dalley


The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. However, its existence has always been a mystery – until Stephanie Dalley’s book. In “The mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon,” Dalley presents a compelling argument for the garden’s location in Nineveh and…

Cover of the book "Less is more" by J. Hickel. Background by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash


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Book Review

Book Review: Less is More by J. Hickel


So with climate change coming and ever wondering why this is all happening, I sometimes read books that have nothing to do with archaeology. This time, I read Less is More by J. Hickel. It is a book about de-growth and it is soooo good. If you want to…

Cover of the book "Classical Antiquity in Video Games" by C. Rollinger | Photo by Anton Darius on Unsplash


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Book Review

Book Review: Classical Antiquity in Video Games by C. Rollinger


So this time I read a volume about Classical Antiquity in Video Games, edited by Christian Rollinger with 15 individual chapters concerned with depicting the past in video games. Rollinger’s volume is packed with interesting chapters about various topics in digital gaming. Although the Classical Antiquity is not my…

Photo of the book "Colonising Egypt" by Timothy Mitchell. Background by Jon Moore on Unsplash


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Book Review

Book Review: Colonising Egypt by T. Mitchell


After my PhD, I stopped reading for a while until I remembered, that reading is something good! So I grabbed a book that I always wanted to read and it was a good one. I wish I had read it earlier. Colonising Egypt for the first time really explained…

A shelf full of books. Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash


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Book Review Personal

My Top 5 books of 2022


What a year again! As I did last year, I wanted to dedicate the last post of the year to the top 5 books of 2022 I read. They are not necessarily from 2022, but I read them in 2022. I did some reviews of them this year, but not for…

Cover of the book "Out of the Wreckage" by G. Monbiot


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Book Review

Book Review: “Out of the Wreckage” by G. Monbiot


During the summer I read something different. I didn’t read about Archaeology, Digital Methods or Archaeogaming. Instead, I read “Out of the Wreckage” by G. Monbiot. A book about politics, environment and especially neo-liberalism. It was shocking to read how easy it can be and how hard it actually…

The image shows the book cover of Zainab Bahrani's "Women of Babylon"


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Book Review

Book Review: Women of Babylon by Z. Bahrani


So this is book about Women of Babylon? Well, yes and no. It is about the construction of the female image in ancient West Asia. Also, the book covers how femininity was perceived and interpreted by European scholars. It is also about representations of sexual differences. Most important of…

Sebastian Hageneuer

Hi! My name is Sebastian. I am an archaeologist, a university lecturer, freelancer, guitarist, and father. You could say I am quiet busy, so I learned to manage my time and energy to build good habits and still have space for myself and my family. Sounds difficult? Read here how I do it. (Nearly) Every Friday.

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