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Games depicting the past are as popular as ever. While some games try to show the past as realistic as possible, others don’t even care. I am also researching games depicting archaeology and the past and how they do so.

The Nazi Voss is holding a stone in his hands and looks at it interested. A Nazi officer is holding a suitcase, from which Voss obbviously has taken the stone. A cleric is standing in the background watching.


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Final thoughts on Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


I finished the game after 30 hours. Last time I wrote that Indiana Jones and the Great Circle (IJatGC) might have a chance of replacing my favourite IJ game, Fate of Atlantis. And I have to say, at least they now share first place. Story-wise, IJatGC is a really,…


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Academia Archaeology Games

Second Archaeogaming Hackathon in Darmstadt


At the end of last year I offered a first Archaeogaming Hackathon in Cologne. I also reported that it was quite successful and that we were planning to do more. Well, here it is, we have just announced the second hackathon, this time hosted by the Technische Universität Darmstadt….

Title cover of the Indiana Jones video game "The Great Circle". Machine Games, LucasArts.


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Archaeology Games

The first five hours with Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


Look, I have played my fair share of Indiana Jones games. I even wrote a long chapter about them. For the longest time, the Fate of Atlantis was my favourite, because the puzzles and the story were incredibly good, and still are. Even for a 1992 game. However, the…

Two students at work on a computer fiddling with the software RPGMaker MV to create a game. Photo: Sebastian Hageneuer


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Archaeology Games

Short report: Archaeogaming Hackathon Cologne


I recently announced that I would be organising an Archaeogaming Hackathon event. Last weekend we finally did it and it went great! We had three groups and each produced a small but playable game in just two full days. I was really fascinated by the simplicity of the software…


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Academia Archaeology Games

Upcoming Archaeogaming Hackathon in Cologne


Between the 6th and 8th of December 2024, the network “Digitale Kompetenzen in der Archäologie” (DiKopA) is offering an Archaeogaming Hackathon. I am one of two tutors and am excited to share the news. In two mornings and two afternoons we will try to create playable games related to…

Screenshot of a website offering Archaeogames of the summer term 2024.


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Academia Archaeology Games

A new batch of Archaeogames (2024)


In this third instalment of published archaeogames, I present the work of my students from the academic year 2024. I have already written about the games of 2022 and 2023. This semester, my students have produced four video games that deal with archaeology in one way or another. All…

Old video game screenshot from the game “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (1981)


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Archaeology Games

New publication out: Indiana Jones in video games


It took a while, but last week a new publication came out that includes a chapter by me. I am proud to be part of this volume and to be able to write a bit about video games. Not just about one particular Indiana Jones game, no, I write…

Title cover of the Indiana Jones video game "The Great Circle". Machine Games, LucasArts.


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Archaeology Games

The Great Circle


Here it is. 15 years after the last Indiana Jones video game (apart from some weird pinball and LEGO games), we will get a new one. It will have an original story and the teaser looks absolutely stunning. “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark is due…

Screenshot of the game "Along the Nile" where the protagonist is running through an Egyptian city.


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Academia Archaeology Games

New batch of Archaeogames!


A year ago, I reported of an Archaeogaming course I have created. I also showed you the results (games) the students created. This year, I did the course again and we have again new Archaeogames that actually all look awesome! We cover underwater archaeology, excavation ethics, and even play…

This is a title image for the CAA 2023 session on Archaeogaming


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Archaeology Games

Archaeogaming session online!


At the last international CAA in Amsterdam, I was co-organising a session on Archaeogaming. I already wrote about it, but since a couple of weeks, we also have all the presentations online. The VALUE Foundation thankfully recorded everything and put it on their YouTube Channel…

What happened at the CAA?


Sebastian Hageneuer

Hi! My name is Sebastian. I am an archaeologist, a university lecturer, freelancer, guitarist, and father. You could say I am quiet busy, so I learned to manage my time and energy to build good habits and still have space for myself and my family. Sounds difficult? Read here how I do it. (Nearly) Every Friday.

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