Title cover of the Indiana Jones video game "The Great Circle". Machine Games, LucasArts.
Archaeology Games

The Great Circle


Here it is. 15 years after the last Indiana Jones video game (apart from some weird pinball and LEGO games), we will get a new one. It will have an original story and the teaser looks absolutely stunning. “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark is due out this year and as an archaeogamer I couldn’t be more excited.

What is the game about?

Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

The gameplay reveal trailer shows it best. Our protagonist is on a quest to find various locations around the globe that are supposedly all aligned in a perfect great circle (hence the title). The trailer shows him at various locations, fighting some Nazis and displaying his famous wit and whip. The game is set in 1937, between the films Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and The Last Crusade (1989). The journey takes you to the Vatican, the pyramids of Egypt, the sunken temples of Sukhothai and more.

What do I think of it?

Screenshot from Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, where a foe tries to kill Indy by burying him in the desert. Machine Games, LucasArts.
One of Indy’s foes effortlessly trying to kill the protagonists | Machine Games, LucasArts

Well, I am torn, so I am writing here from two perspectives.

Gamer: Yeah! This looks really great. Playing Indy, hitting Nazis, using the whip, solving puzzles… It all looks great. Also the characters (especially Indy and what I think will be the main villain) look really good. There is some discussion that the original voices won’t be used, but I don’t really mind. The voice in the trailer sounded good to me.

Archaeologist: Oh dear! Not another one. It is obvious that this game will once again be about solving puzzles in exotic locations, using pseudo-archaeological tropes and propagating the theft of artefacts to prevent some overpowered enemy from doing the same. “Myths, history, just different ways of interpreting the past”. Well, no, not really Indy….

Where to go from here?

Well, I think it has become clear that I am undecided. It will be a good game, I think, but it will also reinforce stereotypes about our profession. At least I think it will, but who knows. I will definitely play and report on it and look forward to doing so. Say what you will about old Indy, he is still a fun character. For fame and fortune, kid… Fortune and glory.

Screenshot from Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, where Indy is about to start a new adventure in the jungle. Machine Games, LucasArts.
Indiana Jones up to new adventures | Machine Games, LucasArts


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Sebastian Hageneuer

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