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Productivity is the buzzword of our age. Get more things done during a day! Also, productivity is to get things done quicker, in order to have more time to yourself.

A woman sitting in a hammock to display relaxation


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Academia Productivity

The mindset behind academic productivity III

Academic productivity is many things, but to be productive you also need to be relaxed. Even if all the circumstances are right and you know how to ask the right questions, you still need the energy to be productive. The problem is, you can’t keep up with the energy, if you work 8 or more hours a day straight. To be productive, especially in academia, you need to know when and how to take breaks.
This image shows GMail on a laptop


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How asking the right questions already can give the answer


I already wrote about how discussing is better than asking questions, because you get a long-term benefit instead of a short-term solution. Nevertheless, sometimes asking questions is the only thing to do and sometimes it is also the right thing to do. Not to get help by somebody else,…

People working together on a table


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Academia Productivity

The mindset behind academic productivity II


This is a multipart article about academic productivity. The first one was concerned with the workspace. This is the second article and the third one is here.

When talking about academic productivity, we have to talk about many different things. While the workspace as part of a well-defined environment is…

Three coffee cups


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Personal Productivity

The value of coffee for learning


Who wants to drink a coffee? I would argue, nearly everyone. Coffee has been part of my life since I was going to school and that is a long time ago. If you meet new colleagues, a coffee is the perfect way to start a conversation. Also, when going…

Students sitting at a table working.


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Academia Productivity

The mindset behind academic productivity I

For a long time now, I have wondered what it actually means to be productive as an academic. I know my fair share about productivity in the world of freelance and I know my fair share of the work ethics in the academic world. They work quiet differently and I think, that we can't apply freelance or corporate productivity to university-level work.
Cover of Mark Mansons book "The Subtle Art of not Giving a Fuck"


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Book Review Productivity

Book Review: The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck by M. Manson


I consider myself as someone, that is pretty stoic. I rarely get upset by things and “keep my cool” most of the time. To outsiders, who don’t know me well, this most often seems as if I would not care. But these are two different things: accepting things as…

Screenshot from the website Notion


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Academia Productivity Technology

Organise your classes with Notion!


So last time we started to organise our students with Notion in a very simple, but effective way. Today we want to go one step further and create a publicly available class website. In other words: We want to organise our classes with Notion. On it, you can put…

A person writing


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Academia Productivity

Reverse Outlining


Writing papers, presentations or books is part of academic work. But usually this is not taught to us, we kind of learn by doing. Some are talents and some are not. I definitely needed a lot of time to wrap by head around writing and I still do, learning…

Photo of the book Give and Take from Adam Grant. Background Photo by FWStudio from Pexels


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Book Review Productivity

Book Review: Give and Take by A. Grant


I always felt a bit naive when telling people, that doing the right thing and being generous will lead to the best results in the long run. Especially while being a freelancer, that seemed extra stupid, as you always have to take care of yourself. In a society where…

Screenshot of a Notion database


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Academia Productivity

Organise your students with Notion!


Notion is a relatively new organisation tool which offers databases, kanban boards, wikis, calendars and much more. Plus: The the Personal Pro Plan is free for students and educators! So naturally, I had to try it out and am pretty intrigued. It is simple and easy to use….

Sebastian Hageneuer

Hi! My name is Sebastian. I am an archaeologist, a university lecturer, freelancer, guitarist, and father. You could say I am quiet busy, so I learned to manage my time and energy to build good habits and still have space for myself and my family. Sounds difficult? Read here how I do it. (Nearly) Every Friday.

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