Screenshot of the software Scrivener

If you are a writer, then you know how difficult it can be to organise your thoughts and ideas into a coherent piece of writing. Whether you are writing an academic paper or a book, keeping track of all the research, notes, and drafts can be a daunting task. This is where Scrivener comes in…


One of the best features of Scrivener is its organization tools. With Scrivener, you can break down your writing into smaller, more manageable pieces. You can create folders for chapters, sections, or any other division that makes sense for your project. Within each folder, you can add text, images, and research notes.

This makes it easy to keep track of all your research and ideas in one place. You can easily move sections around or change the order of chapters without having to cut and paste. I already wrote a while ago, that I want to turn my PhD into a book. Scrivener is the software I use and its organisation is one of my most used features.


Scrivener also has excellent research tools. You can import your research directly into Scrivener and keep it organised alongside your writing. This means you no longer have to switch back and forth between your research and your writing. It has some issues with including bibliography software though. So you can’t integrate it directly.

Scrivener also has a split-screen feature that allows you to view your research and your writing side-by-side. This is especially useful when you need to reference a specific piece of research while you are writing. I use this all the time.


Once you have all your research and notes organized, it is time to start drafting. Scrivener has a distraction-free writing mode that allows you to focus solely on your writing. You can set a word count goal for each session, and Scrivener will track your progress. You can also set writing targets for the entire project and track your progress towards completion. Scrivener also has a range of formatting tools that make it easy to format your manuscript according to your publisher’s requirements.

In conclusion, Scrivener is a great writing software for academic and book writing. With its organisation tools, research tools, and drafting tools, Scrivener makes it easy to keep track of all your research and ideas and turn them into a coherent piece of writing. Whether you are a professional writer or just starting, give it a try! The only flaw I see in this is the organisation of citations. But as the company is regularly updating its software, I do not give up hope.



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Sebastian Hageneuer

Hi! My name is Sebastian. I am an archaeologist, a university lecturer, freelancer, guitarist, and father. You could say I am quiet busy, so I learned to manage my time and energy to build good habits and still have space for myself and my family. Sounds difficult? Read here how I do it. (Nearly) Every Friday.

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