Academia Archaeology Games

Upcoming Archaeogaming Hackathon in Cologne


Between the 6th and 8th of December 2024, the network “Digitale Kompetenzen in der Archäologie” (DiKopA) is offering an Archaeogaming Hackathon. I am one of two tutors and am excited to share the news. In two mornings and two afternoons we will try to create playable games related to the past and archaeology.

Why do we offer this Archaeogaming Hackathon?

I have written in the past that I am part of a German network of lecturers and students concerned with digital literacy in archaeology courses, and we had our first workshop in June 2024. During the workshop I had the idea that it might be a good idea to offer a separate workshop on archaeogaming to students in Germany, to make them aware of our network and to have some fun. I also talked to my colleague Kevin Körner who liked the idea.

We wanted to offer the hackathon for free. Offering the hackathon and organising rooms wasn’t the problem, but we were worried that students might not have the means to travel to us for two days and nights to do the hackathon. So we decided to offer the event in different cities in Germany, with an eye on accessibility. We decided that the first hackathon should take place in Cologne (where I work) and we are just finalising the dates and the poster.

What will this be about?

During the hackathon we want to teach 12 bright minds about archaeogaming and teamwork. In a preparatory online meeting we will give an introduction to Archaeogaming and the software suite RPGMaker. When we meet in Cologne, the groups should already have prepared ideas so that they can start working immediately. We will provide computers and software licences as well as some snacks and drinks. In two afternoons and two mornings we want to create 2-3 games in teams with the students.

In order to have a manageable group size, we also want students to apply for the hackathon to see why they want to participate and what ideas they already have. We therefore ask for a short statement about their intentions. The deadline for applications is 22 November. After Cologne, we are planning at least two more hackathons in Darmstadt and Berlin. If all goes well and the hackathons are well received, we might even offer more events.

What do I expect from the Archaeogaming Hackathon?

Well, first of all it could be fun. I already give courses on Archaeogaming in Cologne, but they last a whole semester. Now we basically want to make video games in two days, and that will be a challenge. We also want to work very concentrated for two days. So that will also be very interesting. Finally, we also want to publish the finished games and see if others can play them. Of course, we hope that students will join our network.

If you are interested, I have attached the poster to this post. If you know someone who might be interested, please pass it on!

Poster of the hackathon in Cologne 2024


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Sebastian Hageneuer

Hi! My name is Sebastian. I am an archaeologist, a university lecturer, freelancer, guitarist, and father. You could say I am quiet busy, so I learned to manage my time and energy to build good habits and still have space for myself and my family. Sounds difficult? Read here how I do it. (Nearly) Every Friday.

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